20.06.2016 20:10
Po dlouhé odmlce způsobené zdravotními problémy jsem zpět! A opět se můžete těšit na můj stánek na Apetit pikniku! Tentokráte už ne v sekci kulinářů :-) A co budete moci ochutnat? Pulled pork nebo shredded beef v domácí briošce, polévku z červené čočky s kokosovým mlékem nebo salát coleslaw z...
21.06.2015 18:26
Bylo to poprvé, bylo to náročné, ale příští rok klidně zas! Všem děkuji za návštěvu na stánku We Love Food, doufám, že vám chutnalo!
13.06.2015 10:00
Přesně za týden bude otevřen 5. Apetit piknik, tentokráte v Havlíčkových sadech. Ode mě se můžete těšit třeba na trhané vepřové maso v domácí briošce, mrkvovo-perníkové muffiny bez vajec, ale třeba také na domácí višňovou limonádu se skořicí. Tak kdo se přijde podívat?
21.05.2015 20:05
Za necelý měsíc vypukne 5. Apetit piknik. V červnovém vydání časopisu apetit naleznete seznam všech kulinářů a prodejců a také (stručný) plánek Grébovky. A že je na co se těšit! Já už pilně plánuji nákupy a harmonogram vaření, tak doufám, že vše klapne a hlavně, že mě přijdete podpořit!
16.04.2015 10:10
Už jste byli na Apetit pikniku? Ne? Tak tento rok to musíte napravit! A proč? Protože tam bude také! Pokud chcete ochutnat něco z mých výtvorů, přijďte 20. června do Grébovky na již 5. Apetit piknik!
29.03.2015 15:18
Poslední dobou jedu na muffinové vlně. Asi je to dáno tím, že se dobře převáží a rozdávají, proto je nejčastěji peču do práce. O to větší radost jsem měla, když jsem v Tescu objevila novou řadu věcí na pečení - chocolate chips (bílé, mléčné a tmavé), barvené potahové hmoty, ale hlavně fudge chunks!...
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They call the author Lien Peet but she never really liked that name. He works as an administrative assistant but he's already created another one of them. Puerto Rico will be the only place she's been residing into. One of the things he loves most is progressing 3d graphics and he'll be starting something else along for it.
The prices range from $100 to $300 with Bose being the costly and the JVC being the best. Confusion can easily come across on sites designed being a product distribution channel.
They call the author Lien Peet but she never really liked that name. He works as an administrative assistant but he's already created another one of them. Puerto Rico will be the only place she's been residing into. One of the things he loves most is progressing 3d graphics and he'll be starting something else along for it.
The prices range from $100 to $300 with Bose being the costly and the JVC being the best. Confusion can easily come across on sites designed being a product distribution channel.
an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer
carmustine (bis-chloroethylnitrosourea, bcnu, bicnu) is a medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound used as an alkylating agent.
carmustine is an orange-yellow solid medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound.
mechanism of action
as an alkylating agent, carmustine can form interstrand crosslinks in dna, which prevents dna replication and dna transcription.[citation needed]
carmustine is used as an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer including glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, medulloblastoma and astrocytoma), multiple myeloma, and lymphoma (hodgkin's and non-hodgkin).
bcnu is sometimes used in conjunction with alkyl guanine transferase (agt) inhibitors, such as o6-benzylguanine. the agt-inhibitors increase the efficacy of carmustine by inhibiting the direct reversal pathway of dna repair, which will prevent formation of the interstrand crosslink between the n1 of guanine and the n3 of cytosine.
it is also used as part of a chemotherapeutic protocol in preparation for hematological stem cell transplantation, a type of bone marrow transplant, in order to reduce the white blood cell count in the recipient. use under this protocol, usually with fludarabine and melphalan, was developed by oncologists at the university of texas md anderson cancer center.[citation needed]
carmustine is an orange-yellow solid medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound.
mechanism of action
as an alkylating agent, carmustine can form interstrand crosslinks in dna, which prevents dna replication and dna transcription.[citation needed]
carmustine is used as an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer including glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, medulloblastoma and astrocytoma), multiple myeloma, and lymphoma (hodgkin's and non-hodgkin).
bcnu is sometimes used in conjunction with alkyl guanine transferase (agt) inhibitors, such as o6-benzylguanine. the agt-inhibitors increase the efficacy of carmustine by inhibiting the direct reversal pathway of dna repair, which will prevent formation of the interstrand crosslink between the n1 of guanine and the n3 of cytosine.
it is also used as part of a chemotherapeutic protocol in preparation for hematological stem cell transplantation, a type of bone marrow transplant, in order to reduce the white blood cell count in the recipient. use under this protocol, usually with fludarabine and melphalan, was developed by oncologists at the university of texas md anderson cancer center.[citation needed]
an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer
carmustine (bis-chloroethylnitrosourea, bcnu, bicnu) is a medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound used as an alkylating agent.
carmustine is an orange-yellow solid medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound.
mechanism of action
as an alkylating agent, carmustine can form interstrand crosslinks in dna, which prevents dna replication and dna transcription.[citation needed]
carmustine is used as an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer including glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, medulloblastoma and astrocytoma), multiple myeloma, and lymphoma (hodgkin's and non-hodgkin).
bcnu is sometimes used in conjunction with alkyl guanine transferase (agt) inhibitors, such as o6-benzylguanine. the agt-inhibitors increase the efficacy of carmustine by inhibiting the direct reversal pathway of dna repair, which will prevent formation of the interstrand crosslink between the n1 of guanine and the n3 of cytosine.
it is also used as part of a chemotherapeutic protocol in preparation for hematological stem cell transplantation, a type of bone marrow transplant, in order to reduce the white blood cell count in the recipient. use under this protocol, usually with fludarabine and melphalan, was developed by oncologists at the university of texas md anderson cancer center.[citation needed]
carmustine is an orange-yellow solid medication used mainly for chemotherapy. it is a nitrogen mustard ß-chloro-nitrosourea compound.
mechanism of action
as an alkylating agent, carmustine can form interstrand crosslinks in dna, which prevents dna replication and dna transcription.[citation needed]
carmustine is used as an alkylating agent to treat several types of brain cancer including glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, medulloblastoma and astrocytoma), multiple myeloma, and lymphoma (hodgkin's and non-hodgkin).
bcnu is sometimes used in conjunction with alkyl guanine transferase (agt) inhibitors, such as o6-benzylguanine. the agt-inhibitors increase the efficacy of carmustine by inhibiting the direct reversal pathway of dna repair, which will prevent formation of the interstrand crosslink between the n1 of guanine and the n3 of cytosine.
it is also used as part of a chemotherapeutic protocol in preparation for hematological stem cell transplantation, a type of bone marrow transplant, in order to reduce the white blood cell count in the recipient. use under this protocol, usually with fludarabine and melphalan, was developed by oncologists at the university of texas md anderson cancer center.[citation needed]
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